We provide a summary of the services we offer, and the associated costs in our Terms of Business. We advise you to read these terms carefully.
We agree to provide the services you have selected, and you agree to pay us for those services. We require you to confirm this by electronically signing and dating our service contract. Our proposition offers services of both an initial and/or ongoing nature. We will only provide ongoing services as part of the agreed ongoing service contract for which you agree to pay the commensurate fee. Where you engage with one of our ongoing service propositions, this will be provided as a follow up to the initial service unless we make an alternative arrangement.
We are only able to provide you with advice or recommendations once we have made a detailed assessment of your current circumstances, financial objectives, investment experience, your capacity for loss and attitude to any risk that may be involved. We will also take into account any restrictions that you may wish to place on the type of products you would be willing to consider. SIM do this on our behalf by conducting an online factfind with you and documenting the answers that you provide.